New Study :: Fibromyalgia :: Acupuncture effectively relieves pain, anxiety and tiredness
According to a research team led by Dr. David Martin, an anesthesiologist at the Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia patients who received acupuncture reported improvement in fatigue and anxiety, among other symptoms. Acupuncture was also well tolerated with minimal side effects, the researchers said in the June issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. The study involved 50 fibromyalgia patients enrolled in a randomized, controlled trial to determine if acupuncture improved their symptoms. Twenty-five in the acupuncture group and 25 in the control group. In the acupuncture group, total fibromyalgia symptoms were significantly improved compared with the control group during the study period. Fatigue and anxiety were the most significantly improved symptoms during the follow-up period. "We found that acupuncture significantly improved symptoms of fibromyalgia. Symptomatic improvement was not restricted to pain relief and was most significant for fatigue and anxiety," the researchers conclud...